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时间:2024-04-25   浏览:3次

1、被你抱着的感觉很幸福,所以我想一直幸福下去,一直不离开你的身躯。 The feeling of being held by you is very happy, so I want to be happy all the time and never leave your body. 2、如今的气质里,藏着你走过的路,读过的书和爱过的人。 Today's temperament, hiding the road you have walked, the books you have read and the people you have loved. 3、世界很大,我的心却很小,刚刚够放下你。 The world is big, but my heart is small, just enough to put you down. 4、世界变化不停,人潮川流不息,我只想每个落日身边都有你。 The world is changing and people are flowing. I just want to have you around every sunset. 5、都怪你,都怪你惊醒了我心里的小鹿,它活蹦乱跳,到处乱撞。 All blame you, all blame you for waking up the fawn in my heart, it is alive and kicking around. 6、我喜欢你从日出到日落再到日出,每时每刻。 I love you from sunrise to sunset to sunrise, every moment. 7、这城市那么空、这回忆那么凶、这眉头那么重、这思念那么浓。 This city is so empty, this memory is so fierce, this eyebrow is so heavy, this missing is so thick. 8、不愿意醒来时,台灯投射在墙上的,只有我孤独的身影。 Do not want to wake up, the lamp projected on the wall, only my lonely figure. 9、希望能做一把你的大雨伞,为你挡风遮雨。 Hope to be able to do a big umbrella for you, wind and rain. 10、为何要说彼岸花开花落,他陪我看了花开,最后花落却是我一个。 Why to say that the other side of the flowers bloom, he accompanied me to see the flowers bloom, but I am the last one. 11、我爱的那个他在哪里,有没有想念我在夜里。 Where is the one I love? Do you miss me at night. 12、无论我嘴上怎么逞强,其实心理早已向你投降,无法冷落你。 No matter how arrogant I talk, in fact, my psychology has already surrendered to you, unable to ignore you. 13、别不开心啦我给你个礼物,诺,喜欢吗,我把我送给你。 Don't be upset. I'll give you a present. No, do you like it? I'll give it to you. 14、你摸摸我衣服的料子,是不是做你女朋友的料。 Feel the material of my dress. Is it for your girlfriend. 15、我还是很喜欢你,像落落芰荷为衣,芙蓉并蒂,好个花期。 I still like you very much, such as falling lotus for clothes, lotus and lotus, a good flowering period. 16、你总说我懒,是啊,喜欢上你就懒得放弃你了呀。 You always say I'm lazy, yeah, I don't want to give up you if I like you. 17、既然月儿心意已定,子歇依你便是,子歇视月儿如珍宝。 Since the moon has decided, zixie is you. Zixie looks at the moon as a treasure. 18、想把你对我说的喃喃细语,都收集在耳旁,变成耳环般的饰物。 I want to collect all the murmurs you say to me by my ears and turn them into earrings. 19、最幸福的事情,就是当我看向你,你正在看着我。 The happiest thing is when I look at you, you are looking at me. 20、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他,怕失掉他。 Fall in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get him, afraid to lose him. 21、想念不如怀念,怀念不如祭念,祭念不如不念。 It is better to miss than to miss, better to remember than to sacrifice, and better not to read. 22、从校服到婚纱,我在用行动诠释我爱你。 From my love to my school dress. 23、想象你们亲吻时的场面,漫天萤火虫的纷飞。 Imagine the scene when you kiss, fireflies flying all over the sky. 24、相爱,就是要感恩对方的优点,容忍对方的缺点,因为爱就是坚持在一起。 Love is to be grateful for each other's advantages and tolerate each other's shortcomings, because love is to stick together. 25、形相随,依偎只是一时景,心相印,片刻已是千年情。 Form with each other, cuddle is just a temporary scene, heart phase printing, a moment has been a thousand years of love. 26、温暖的夏日,一杯香浓的咖啡,一份美味的冰淇淋,青春就是这么甜美。 Warm summer, a cup of strong coffee, a delicious ice cream, youth is so sweet. 27、此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设,便纵有千种风情,更与何人说? This past few years should be a good time, a beautiful scenery, even if there are a thousand kinds of amorous feelings, with whom? 28、爱你,谢谢参与我这一趟人世的旅程,愿幸福与你永相守。 Love you, thank you for joining me in this journey of the world. May happiness be with you forever. 29、我做你的小太阳吧,帮你驱散阴霾,永远只温暖你一人那种。 I am your little sun, to help you dispel the haze, always only warm you one kind. 30、烂熟于心的不只是你的名字,还有你可爱的样子。 Familiar with not only your name, but also your lovely appearance. 31、我还是很喜欢你,像鲸鱼缺氧于六千四百米的深海,乐此不疲。 I still like you, like the whale hypoxia in 6400 meters of deep sea, enjoy it. 32、不能跟你在一起无所谓,只要让我默默爱着你,默默的就好。 It doesn't matter if I can't be with you, just let me love you in silence. 33、走遍天涯海角,最想去的地方还是你心里。 Go all over the world, the place you want to go is still in your heart. 34、看你时眼里只有你,看别人时余光全是你,无药可救。 When you look at you, you are the only one in your eyes. When you look at others, you are the only one. 35、我想我余生为你暖一杯茶,晚风微扬时勿忘回家。 I think I'll warm you a cup of tea for the rest of my life, and don't forget to go home when the evening wind blows. 36、你醒来找的第一个人是我,你睡前最后一个说话的人也是我。 The first person you wake up looking for is me, and the last person you talk to before you go to bed is also me. 37、夏天恋爱,秋天私奔,如果有空,冬天陪我过冬。 Love in summer, elope in autumn, if you have time, winter with me. 38、星星掉进河里,糖果掉进梦里,而你掉进我心里。 Stars fall into the river, sweets fall into dreams, and you fall into my heart. 39、深深的话我们紧紧的说,长长的路,我们慢慢的走。 Deep words, we tightly said, long road, we slowly walk. 40、凡夫俗子,想不想尝尝仙女的味道。喜欢我就大声说,不要怕我不好意思。 Ordinary people, do you want to taste the taste of fairies. Like me to say aloud, don't be afraid of me, I'm sorry. 41、每个人都渴望幸福,因为幸福始终在前方,所以,心,始终在路上。 Everyone is eager for happiness, because happiness is always in front, so, heart, always on the road. 42、朋友说我离不开手机,其实我离不开的是UKi里的你。 Friends say I can't do without my mobile phone. In fact, I can't do without you in UKI. 43、在我的世界上,如果没有喜欢、爱过你,就只会想你一生。 In my world, if I don't like and love you, I will only miss you for life. 44、有人问我烧烤的时候会烤什么,我的回答是,先考虑你。 When someone asked me what I would bake when I barbecue, my answer was, consider you first. 45、愿你一切不会太艰辛,我能做到且能做好,定会护你周全。 I wish you all will not be too hard, I can do and can do well, will protect you well. 46、因为喜欢着你,所以心想着要把所有的温暖都送给你。 Because I like you, I want to give you all the warmth. 47、你的故事很长,如果能给我来收尾就好了。 Your story is very long. I wish I could finish it. 48、就算大雨让这座城市颠倒,我会给你怀抱。 Even if the heavy rain makes this city upside down, I will give you arms. 49、认识你第一天起,我就有预感,你会是我媳妇。 From the first day I met you, I had a hunch that you would be my daughter-in-law. 50、别嫌弃一直陪你的人,然后去陪嫌弃你的人。 Don't dislike the people who always accompany you, and then go to accompany the people who dislike you. 51、我爱你,不光是因为你的样子,还因为和你在一起时我的样子。 I love you not only because of who you are, but also because of who I am when I am with you. 52、我这份悬在半空中的喜欢,要飞过万水千山去爱你了。 I like this hanging in the air, to fly over the mountains and rivers to love you. 53、我这辈子除了活着,坚持最久的事情就是喜欢你。 In addition to living, the longest thing I insist on in my life is to like you. 54、当你爱上一个人的时候,我该说什么呢?你应该说你爱。 What should I say when you fall in love with someone? You should say you love. 55、我要把你吃干抹尽,全部占有,做你余下人生忘记难爱也难的人。 I want to eat you dry wipe, all possession, do you forget the rest of your life is difficult to love. 56、我爱你,虽然我不能给你全世界,但是我的世界都能全部给你。 I love you, although I can't give you the whole world, but my world can give you all. 57、我喜欢你,像洪水来袭,一波未平一波又起。 I like you, like the flood, one wave is not flat, another is rising. 58、心微动奈何情己远。物也非,人也非,事事非,往日不可追。 My heart is moving, but my feelings are far away. Things are not, people are not, everything is wrong, the past can not be traced. 59、晚睡的女生会被月亮抓去,要罚站一通宵哦。 The girl who goes to bed late will be caught by the moon and will be punished to stand all night. 60、我这一生都是坚定不移的唯物主义者,唯有你,我希望有来世。 I have been an unswerving materialist all my life. You are the only one. I hope there will be an afterlife.






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